Steamboat Banshee - Steamboat Register Radow sorted by Nation
Steamboat Banshee
13.56 m
2.30 m
1.60 m
engine: John Ashton
127.0 + 254.0 x 152.4
5" + 10" x 6"
boiler: 3 Drum Water Tube, max. 11.0 bar/ 160psi
Prop: 711 x 914 mm / 28" x 36" > Ratio = 1 : 1.29

Picture 1 - taken by Rainer Radow: 2009-05
Summer 2009 in Berlin, Germany

Picture 2 - taken by Rainer Radow: 2002-04
The Banshee will be driven by a big V-Engine. Here you can see one of the cylinders.
In the foreground left you see the 2-cylinder generator engine...
Main steam line is coming direct from Boiler (black housing at the right).

Picture 3 - taken by Rainer Radow: 2002-04

Picture 4 - taken by Rainer Radow: 2002-04

Picture 5 - taken by Rainer Radow: 2002-04
2-cylinder generator engine

Picture 6 - taken by Rainer Radow: 2002-04
View to the back

Picture 7 - taken by Rainer Radow: 2002-04
View to the seats in the back

Picture 8 - taken by Rainer Radow: 2002-04
View from the back seats to the front. The engine room is located direct behind the cabinet.
At the right you can see the alleyway to the helmstand.

Picture 9 - taken by Rainer Radow: 2002-04
In the alleyway you find the green covers of the LP-Piston and its valve.
The skylight over the LP-Piston is the only access to the engine room.

Picture 10 - taken by Rainer Radow: 2002-04
The owner at the helmstand (2002 near Potsdam, Germany).

Picture 11 - taken by Rainer Radow: 2002-04
3-drum watertube boiler. Wood fired.

Picture 12 - taken by Rainer Radow: 2002-04
Summer 2002.

Picture 13 - taken by Rainer Radow: 2002-04
Summer 2002.

Picture 14 - taken by Rainer Radow: 2009-05
Summer 2009 in Berlin, Germany
First release of this page: 02.07.2006. last update: 06.06.2009.